Jerry Reed, PMP, CSM, MCP, EQi

Jerry Reed is the Co-Founder and President of PMPlicity Ā®. He is a PMI Authorized Training Partner Instructor for the PMP exam. He's an international speaker and an award-winning leadership, project management and agile instructor. He has trained executives, managers, technology workers and individual contributors from AT&T, Optum Rx, Netflix, SpaceX, Google, Boeing, the United Nations, Blizzard, Disney, and several PMI chapters, including the Puget Sound, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and North India, Bangladesh, and UAE (Dubai) chapters. With over 25 years of project management experience, Jerry has successfully delivered over 100 enterprise level projects, using both predictive and agile approaches.

Yolanda Reed, CSM

Yolanda Reed is the Co-Founder and Vice President of PMPlicityĀ®. She is a certified Scrum Master, author, editor, graphic designer, and seasoned administrator. She oversees project management, product design and development, and quality assurance. Yolanda is the secret sauce of PMplicity. She maintains strong client relationships and is the primary liaison for PMPlicity partners and distributors, including Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Follett and UCLA.