About the Course

Influence outcomes and gain more control over your efforts

Power is the ability to influence outcomes and behaviors toward your goals and objectives. This skill can be developed and used by any professional at any level to influence any professional at any level. In this half-day course, you’ll learn strategies to build personal influence and political savvy. You’ll learn the root causes of power and politics and an effective approach for gaining more control over your efforts and outcomes.

You'll Learn To:

  • Distinguish power from influence
  • Identify non-traditional sources of power
  • Identify the five fundamental types of power
  • Describe the characteristics and use cases for each power source
  • Describe four common political mistakes
  • Describe a four-step approach to increase politically savvy and personal influence
  • Assess your personal power preference
  • Identify the type of power used by stakeholders
  • Explain the importance of expanding your power options
  • Identify positive and negative power sources
  • Escalate with more effectiveness and diplomacy

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